As most of the online surveys require you to give out personal information, it does not come as a surprise that many have concerns regarding privacy about the survey industry. How do you then make sure you have a safe experience? Here’s how!

Online surveys can be secure and fun if you remember to take all the necessary precautions. Not to forget the perk of extra money you will be making on the way.

Here are 11 tips on how you can take the online survey without any privacy and safety issues:

1. Go Thoroughly Over The Privacy Policies

If they don’t have anything to hide they will put all the cards down on the table. Look into the privacy policies they have written down regarding data collection.

The policies can vary from country to country. Going through these rules and regulations will give you an idea on how much of personal information or PII will be used.

Some survey sites make it very clear that they will Use the information to decide for survey eligibility or share it with partner companies to aid in specific research.

2. Make Sure You Have The Required Contact Information

Always know where you will turn to in case you have any concerns. If they survey panel has convenient contact options then they can be trusted upon.

You can also contact these panels and request them in terms of securing your data. They will accommodate your needs and refrain from giving out any personal information while keeping you as an active member of survey community.

3. Membership Stamps Are A Big Yes!

Some of the best online panels in the US are members of official marketing associations. This means that they are not stand-alone party and you can trust them with your information.

These associations have ethics code or “Marketing Research Standards” that the survey panel needs to adhere to. If they have authorized a panel then you can rest assured that the data collected from you will be handled in an ethical manner.

4. Downloading Is A Big NO!

Don’t go ahead downloading whatever the research company is asking you to. You not only run the risk of coming in contact with malware but sometimes the software can also follow your browsing history.

This is okay if you don’t mind the information being sent to the marketers. You can be a good kid and do your homework on how legitimate a market research firm is before downloading any software recommended by them.

5. “Special Offers’ Are Not Always A Good Thing

Remember how your mother always asked you to never take candies from strangers. The internet is no exception and I suggest if someone here is offering you a candy out of nowhere, learn to say no.

Most of the survey websites will claim to exchange information in return of “special offers” and then sell the information to other companies.

6. Don’t Give Out Too Much Information

Do you have a credit card and what is your credit card number and two VERY DIFFERENT questions. Never trust the sites that ask you for overly personal questions.

Credit card numbers, bank account details, full names of family members are questions that a real market research company will never ask you. Keep that in mind next time you take an online survey.

7. Keep A Separate E-mail ID For Taking Online Surveys

This measure will save you from a lot of hassle. If you are a frequent survey taker, the e-mail ID you provide to the websites will be stacked with survey mails and invitations.

If have a survey ID typically meant for taking surveys online, it will help you keep track of how many invites you have received. Also, you won’t have to deal with spamming in your personal e-mail address.

8. Remember! You Will Not Get Rich Taking Online Surveys

You came here to make some extra cash, not earn a million dollars to cater for you “around the world in 80 days” trip.

This is an important thing to keep in mind so you don’t exhibit too much of a “desperate behavior” while filling out the surveys. If money is the only thing is mind then you might not be cautious enough while taking unreliable surveys.

9. Always Click On The Actual Survey

Learn to see the difference between legitimate market research companies and fake ones.

One obvious hint is that the real panels will provide you with detailed information on why the study is being carried out. They might also be keen enough to tell how long it will take to complete the survey and if there is any incentive at the end.

Never click on the survey invitation that features ads to win cash or gifts in return. You won’t get any luck there!

10. Keep A Keen Eye On The Red Flags

Don’t blame the entire survey world just because of few bad eggs. As a newcomer be extra cautious during the registration process. Make sure you don’t give out extensive payment or bank details. Any reliable panel will not ask for start-up fee or any such information.

Also, don’t waste time on survey sites that are flooded with ads. Navigation through such sites will be full of hassle and it will also show that they are in contact with unreliable third-party sites.

11. Take It Easy!

Your opinion is extremely valuable to the surveyor. They will reward you with cash and prizes as promised as long as you provide them an honest response.

Have Fun And STAY SAFE!

In a nutshell, online surveys are as safe as you make them. If you are cautious enough while going through the questionnaire, I am sure you will not have a problem.

Simply keep these 11 tips in mind next time you are hesitant due to safety concerns while going for an online survey. They are easily detectable issues that will help you draw a line between a reliable surveyor and fake ones.
