When you are appearing for a job interview in a leading restaurant such as McDonald’s, you should always come prepared. Your technical experience is really workable in this top and reputable food chain of the world.

Therefore we have listed 21 Mcdonald’s interview questions that are almost always asked and preparing answers for them beforehand will help you appear confident and knowledgeable.

Therefore we have listed 21 Mcdonald’s job interview questions that are almost always asked and preparing answers for them beforehand will help you appear confident and knowledgeable.

21 Mcdonald’s Interview Questions To Watch Out For

1. Why did you apply at McDonalds?

McDonald’s Interview Questions are asked frequently in many job interviews. They want to inquire about the reasons for you choosing their restaurant for work. You should point out something less materialistic than just money.

For example, it would be wise to say that you consider working in the professional environment here would help you grow and evolve, teach you teamwork, and adjust to the proper work environment.

2. What do you know about our restaurant?

It might sound like a general question but if you really want to blow away the interviewers then you should come up with an interesting fact that shows you know genuine stuff about McDonald’s.

Tell them it is a global brand with more than 36,000 outlets in 100 countries. You can also share their best-selling meal on ongoing discount deals.

3. How do you think customers should be greeted?

Good customer experience is all that global restaurants like McDonalds thrive for.

Therefore, your focus should be on meeting customers with a smile, asking them if they need help with anything, and overall maintaining good body language.

4. What will you if a customer comes to you disappointed with our service?

Most of the questions here might be directed towards how you deal with people. You can expect them to ask this question directly or in some other manner like “what if a customer is not happy with the service?”

You should inform them that it is important to keep a polite manner if such a situation takes place.

Then tell the interviewers that your next step would be to determine what went wrong in the service, assure customers that it will not happen again, and let them know that higher management will look into their issue.

5. Do you have prior experience with customer service?

There is no use in lying here.

Tell your past experiences as they are.

A good response should be elaborative and should describe the skills that you have learned in the past even if the nature of your job was not related to customer service directly.

It will be an extra cherry on the top if you have had previous work experience in restaurants. Talk about them, what they taught you and what they lacked.

6. What if you catch someone stealing at our restaurant?

You should be aware that dealing with burglars or thieves at the restaurant is not directly your responsibility and it is necessary to involve a supervisor as soon as possible.

Your answer should highlight this and also convey that you should note the physical appearance of the person and keep in mind all the details related to the event to convey them to the senior manager.

7. What is you favorite McDonald’s food item?

This is your chance to show that you are a true fan. You don’t need to mention one item only.

Tell them that your Grand McChicken tastes amazing but you would prefer McChicken on days you are trying to control food cravings.

You can also talk about their coffee collection and milkshakes.

8. What do you think your greatest strengths are?

The answer to this will vary from one applicant to another but it should never be vague.

Show off your communication skills, boast about how confidently you can talk to customers. You should also bring up your quality to work in teams and multitask successfully.

9. What about weaknesses?

There is always something that an individual needs to work on or improve.

You should not hesitate to accept these points and share them with interviewers.

You can tell them that your liking to multi-task often puts you under more pressure than needed.

Explore your weaknesses and strengths and list them down on a paper.

Then you can prepare a good answer statement.

10. How do you rate your communication skills?

Questions that are aimed at understanding you should be answered in as much details as possible.

If you give a concise, short answer, the interviewer might think that you are unaware of your own skills and portfolio.

Say that you know how to build welcoming energy and that you answer will to customer’s questions.

You should also inform them of your simple, direct language coupled with a professional manner that is essential to have a good conversation with the customer in front of you.

11. Do you consider yourself suitable for teamwork?

Teamwork is important when working in customer service and your answer should reflect that. Say that you understand working in a team is important to run businesses smoothly.

Show that you are interested in and that you enjoy working with others, following or giving directions, and adjusting wherever needed.

12. What is your true motivation?

You can not answer this question successfully without self-discovery.

You can say that learning new things keeps you motivated or working in a creative environment builds your interest positively.

13. Are you good at math?

Workers in customer services are often required to deal with bills and money exchanges.

You can not always rely on computers.

However, this will not be a question that makes or break your interview so be honest. In fact, it might not always be on Mcdonald’s job interview questions list.

14. Do your see yourself here after 2 years?

The reason behind this question is to determine how committed you are to your future job. Typically, McDonald’s interview question list will contain this.

You should share your future plans such as getting promoted to a managerial position or gathering enough funds to support your future study programs.

15. Will this be a part time job for you?

If you say it is a part time job, let them know your flexible hours. In case you want to make a full-time commitment, convey that you are willing to work with full energy all day.

16. What hours would you like to work at McDonalds?

Only share the timings that you are comfortable working in.

It would be quite unprofessional to commit to a job and refuse later. Whether you are available on the weekends or weekdays only, let the interviewers know clearly.

17. How much would you expect to be paid for this job?

You can not ask for too much but at the same time, you should not understate your expectation as it might lead to you getting paid less salary in the future.

You should be aware of your salary expectations before walking into the Mcdonald’s Interview Questions. If this is an entry-level job then you need to keep in mind a minimum wage.

18. Did you have a job before this? If yes, why did you leave?

You will be required to highlight here the thing that you did not like in your last job.

The best answer should be diplomatic.

You can simply say that you felt that you reached the maximum of your abilities there and wanted to grow professionally in a more sound environment like the one that Mcdonald’s is offering.

19. Do you have any charges pressed against you at this time?

One tip: Tell the truth!

20. Why should we choose YOU over other applicants?

This questions just does not stop being tricky although it is almost always asked in interviews.

You should keep in mind all your good qualities before responding to this.

Show that you are a fast learner, you like their environment and want to grow professionally in it, you know the tricks of successful teamwork.

You should also let them know that having a friendly interaction with people has always been your strong point.

21. Do you have any questions for us?

At the end of the McDonald’s Interview Questions, you might be given a chance to ask any questions that you have.

Feel free to communicate as long as you keep a professional tone.

To show your interest in the job, ask them what kind of training is given to staff, what are the characteristics of good employees here, what is the future scope, etc.

Read THIS Before You Leave!

The impression that you leave in an interview can go a long way.

For example, how you dress for the dialogue and the words that you use during the conversation.

For example, career experts suggest that job interviews should be attended with minimal jewelry and tied hair.

You should always come with a copy of your resume in case the interviewers ask for one.

Additionally, you should have a pen to write with and a blank sheet in case some note-worthy points come up.

Another important issue that has been acknowledged recently is how the term “fast food” sounds. Typically. this brings up an image of obese people and unhealthy food habits. Therefore, you should avoid using the term during your conversation. Refer to the brand name as it is or use “quick service restaurant” if the needed arises.

So these were some important Mcdonald’s interview questions that you might come across. Hopefully, now you know how to answer them well. Best of Luck!
